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longpressable and iPhone 6s 3D Touch
On the simulator I can't test this, but any of you know if the longpress action will interfere with Iphone 6s 3D touch or some like that? the real question is "the longpress action works fine on the iPhone 6s?"
hmmm... as soon as i get access to a device is force touch i'll check this. Some work has already been done to support easy force touch recognition on bubblewrap (
From a brief glance at the documentation for 3D touch a view controller has to "register itself" in order to use 3D touch, so longpressable should work just fine so long as you don't call this method in your view controller:
- (id<UIViewControllerPreviewing>)registerForPreviewingWithDelegate:(id<UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate>)delegate
sourceView:(UIView *)sourceView
A rule of thumb I have been applying for my own apps is: replace long presses with force touch (where reasonable) and fall back to long presses when it's not.