SublimeEvernote copied to clipboard
Can't figure how to use SublimeEvernote
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I've tried several things to use SublimeEvernote under SublimeText 2.0.2 / ubuntu and all lead me to the same result.
I've tried installing SublimeEvernote using the Package Manager, by clonig the git repo as explained in the Readme, and by cloning the forks.
In all cases, the context menu "Send to Evernote" is greyed wwhich seems logical, as there is no setup yet. The context menu "Evernote Settings" opens the file "Packages/User/Sublimevernote.sublime-settings", which contains nothing :(
From there, I can't figure what I'm supposed to do to make it work. There is no browser window opening as described in the Readme.
Any idea of what's happening or what I'm doing wrong ?
Thank you
I have the same issue, and have no idea what to do. BTW, I use Sublime 3, maybe issue is in it?
That makes three of us. I am using 2.0.2
Hi all...not sure if it helps, but I have updated the documentation to make it clearer how to pull in the oauth information. It is on pull request #17 but looks like @jamiesun hasn't had time to review.
You can take a look at the updated docs on my branch here:
See if that gets SublimeEvernote to work for you. Hope it helps! --Dennis
Hello Dennis, and thank you for your effort. I looked carefully at your instructions, but I can't find a way to make it work anyway. I'm on ubuntu, and I see you're on a mac, maybe is it related.
The bar that is shown in your screenshot just below "Step 1 - Copy oauth link to your browser", with the text "Copy and paste this URL into a browser to authorize ..." never appears in my case.
I begin to believe it's a platform-related problem.
Thanks again, Daniel
Hi @danielres, I'm sorry for the long delay in response. You're right that I'm on a mac and I don't have an ubuntu build to test out SublimeEvernote. It may very well be a platform issue. Are you using ST2 or ST3? That was another point causing people problems, above.
If you are able to figure it out, please share with the list. Thanks!
Hello to every body,
I'm exactly in the same case of @danielres, I'm using Ubuntu and ST2. Can I help maybe looking in any log file?
Thanks for your help.
I have the same exact issue, running Lubuntu 14.04 & sublime 2.0.2. The bar in Step-1 doesn't appear by default, and I don't know if I need to activate it somehow or what.
Is there any update regarding the issue?
Hello, I'm another with a similar issue. SN2 2.0.2 with the most recent clone of SublimeEvernote pulled from git this afternoon running on Mac OS X 10.9.5.
I get the oauth URL, hit enter and it prompts for the verification code, I put that in and hit enter and the prompt goes away. Any time I try to submit to Evernote it just prompts me again for the oauth process. I open the settings file and it's empty.
Hi all, I have the same issue on Windows 7 + ST 2.0.2. I inspect the transaction by using Wireshark. I found the issue is a "Unkonwn CA" error occured duing the SSL connection to Evernote site. That blocked the authentication.