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⛔️DEPRECATED Intelligent, elegant routing for CodeIgniter

Results 8 pigeon issues
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When creating subfolder in controllers the route won't work anymore.

I've been thinking about the best way to implement named routes. I don't want to pollute the global namespace with helper functions so I think the best way would be...

Pigeon::pattern(array( // key => pattern 'NewsDetail' => 'news/%s/%s-%s.html', 'NewsCategory' => 'news/%s/', )); $category = 'game'; $sef = 'resident-evil-remake-gets-release-date-price'; $id = 5425; Pigeon::make('NewsDetail', $category, $sef, $id); output: news/game/resident-evil-remake-gets-release-date-price-5425.html Pigeon::make('NewsCategory', $category); output:...

Hi can we add filters in this routes like laravel it will be really nice with codeigntier, for example if we are using some routes with language add filter of...

I downloaded pigeon. I changed name to Uppercase Pigeon.php (so it is written as in the readme file). I place line in autoloader: $autoload['libraries'] = array('pigeon'); //I tried 'Pigeon' too....

Patch is for partial updates.

hi this is used before or after default_controller and 404_override ?

It seems that $r->resources('name', function($r){}); allows nested routing. I'm trying to have routes that operate like sub resources. However it's not working. How would you route something like this: "posts/3/comments/5"...