obsidian-todoist-plugin copied to clipboard
Error 403 and 401
Version 1.11.1 for plugin Most recent Obsidian
When I try create a new task I get "Failed to create task: 'Request failed, status 401'" and everywhere where I have my ```todoist I receive "Error: Request failed, status 403".
Any help appreciated
For anyone getting the 403 you might have:
- Not restarted obsidian after pasting the API key
- Not pasted the right key: It's in your Todoist Settings under Integrations -> Developer -> API Token
(Like me I first pasted Calender Subscription URL and then after pasting the correct API Key forgot to restart obsidian)
Same here Obsidian 1.3.4 Plugin Ver 1.11.1 I'm also getting "Failed to create task: 'Request failed, status 401'" but I'm getting "Error: Request failed, status 400" at todoist code blocks. I did pass the correct key and restarted obsidian afterwards but still got the same errors.
@Kettenotter is correct, 403 and 401 status codes indicate that the API token is incorrect in some way.
@PhocaMachina - getting a 400 response back is more interesting though, would you mind sharing the code block that produces that response? (Is it all code blocks?)
As PhocaMachina seems to have missed out on your last question: I am receiving the Code 400 response as well. This is how my code looks like. I did try it with the least amount of code as well though and am still getting this error.
todoist { "name": "Aufgaben", "filter": "(überfällig | (fällig vor: 2023-06-13 & fällig nach: 2023-06-05))", "sorting" : ["date"], "group" : true }
I didn't want to assume any english equivalents for my german code but I haven't changed those keywords like "fällig" (due), "überfällig" (overdue) or "Aufgaben" (Tasks) since months.
On the off chance this helps someone: I started getting this error a couple of weeks ago and ignored it assuming it was temporary or user error. Today, I got tired of it and went to Todoist.
Guess what: The API key on my account had changed. With no notice.
Updating the API key in Obsidian, of course, fixed it.
Hope this helps.
Still receiving "Error: Request failed, status 401" after 1- Updating API key 2- Issuing a new API key and entering the new key 3- Manually checking it's the correct key I'm running v1.3.7 of obsidian on a Mac.
Still receiving "Error: Request failed, status 401" [...] Are you on version 1.11.1 of the plugin?
Asking because I haven't seen that issue in a long time...
Yep, running 1.11.1. If it's any help I'm on todoist version 8.4.3 (12238)
I can see this is fairly old now, but for what it's worth, I'm getting the same 401 error with my setup. No amount of double checking, re-issuing the API key, restarting obsidian etc. is solving it. plugin version: 1.11.1 Todoist Version: 5145(beta) Obsidian version: 1.5.3