James Ward

Results 82 issues of James Ward

The docs (like https://pkl-lang.org/main/current/kotlin-binding/codegen.html) say to look in the javadocs / kdocs for more info on using the Java / Kotlin libraries, but the javadoc.jar files are essentially empty, like:...

I was hoping to be able to do: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/compute/instances/create-with-container But it doesn't seem like it's supported yet.

type: feature request
api: compute

The 3.0.0-RC5 release includes references to `-SNAPSHOT` deps, resulting in: ``` [error] (update) sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: Error downloading dev.zio:zio-schema-protobuf_3:0.4.17+4-0acf5af7-SNAPSHOT [error] Not found [error] Not found [error] not found: /home/jw/.ivy2/local/dev.zio/zio-schema-protobuf_3/0.4.17+4-0acf5af7-SNAPSHOT/ivys/ivy.xml [error] not found:...


**Describe the bug** Setting up a `Client` has high overhead ~2 seconds and without connection pooling, there is ~300ms of overhead on each request. It'd be great to have better...

💎 Bounty

Would it be possible to detect a `run` that has a ZIO which has a ZIO in the `A` ? I sometimes do this with ZIO Direct: ``` object Main...

I'm using: ``` id("org.graalvm.buildtools.native") version "0.9.16" ``` And have a Gradle toolchain configured: ``` java { toolchain { languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)) vendor.set(JvmVendorSpec.GRAAL_VM) } } ``` And I get: ``` ./gradlew nativeRun FAILURE:...


Currently grpc-kotlin's CI publishes to the Maven Local repo, then the samples use that repo to verify that everything works. But it turns out that using `mavenLocal()` has a bunch...

Please add docs for the Generic Container. Thanks!

🛟 help wanted
👀 requires attention
good first issue
📖 documentation

Repro Steps: https://github.com/jamesward/kmp-conf-server ``` ./gradlew runDebugExecutableLinuxX64 ``` (Not sure if the same problem exists on Mac) Hit Ctrl-C and see the Gradle process end, but the native server process continues...

## Describe the Enhancement Given JVM virtual threads (Loom) and other non-blocking JVM approaches, it'd be nice to have an option to automatically manage the thread count based on the...