Easy-GPU-PV copied to clipboard
Fix disk path issue if attached disk more than one.
If the virtual machine contains more than one disk, mount only the first disk.
This is actually major for anyone using this for real-life use. You can't even update drivers unless you unmount your non-OS disks first. It could be worth fixing in code but takes only a minor adjustment in Hyper V.
Reboot the host after updating GPU Drivers.
Open Hyper V, right click the VM > Settings
Click on Hard Drive "NonOSDiskName," then Remove at the bottom
Do this with each of your non OS disks
Open Powershell as administrator and cd PATH\Easy-GPU-PV-main\
Run .\Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1
Add the vhdx(s) back by clicking on SCSI Controller > Hard Drive > Add
Locate the disks in the \Virtual Hard Disks folder on the host