James Stout
James Stout
> Nice! > I noticed in your screen grab, you're executing the query before pressing Show Query – are you able to have the query update as you're adding and...
> For this issue, I'll definitely yield to @jamesstout's wisdom haha. He's writing the code, whichever looks/feels/seems better to James is how we should move forward! Wisdom 🧐 ... I'm...
> Maybe ... I think the keys are captured already. No, they are captured on the custom query view, but not from the filter > > > Or do you...
`[[NYTPhotosViewController alloc] initWithDataSource:dataSource initialPhoto:nil delegate:self];` so you need to import `NYTPhotoViewerArrayDataSource.h` and init the new data source: `NYTPhotoViewerArrayDataSource *dataSource = [[NYTPhotoViewerArrayDataSource alloc] initWithPhotos:_photos];`
What's `photoM`? Is it a photo in `dataSource`? You mean you can't swipe between images? Can you post screenshots or link to an example project?
I don't know much about reactiveCocoa, but you say `photos` is initialised with the right number of objects, your subclass `LMNYTPhoto`. Something is strange though as you set `viewController.rightBarButtonItem =...
> so I suggest you can review the new code. I don't know man, I'm just trying to help, it's not my code. Where do you set the image property...
Been having similar issues with Traditional Chinese characters not being spaced correctly. It's this call to `sizeThatFits` that returns a `contentSize.height` that's too small. https://github.com/NYTimes/NYTPhotoViewer/blob/533a1fa40d0d4d518df737b76318715408050b74/NYTPhotoViewer/NYTPhotoCaptionView.m#L73 I worked around it by...
Can you show examples screens or an example project? I just tried on iOS 10 and 11 on iPhone with the project example app, both times the share button is...
I asked for more info here: https://github.com/NYTimes/NYTPhotoViewer/issues/258#issuecomment-362786643