lets_play_tdd copied to clipboard
Let's Play: Test-Driven Development
Let's Play: Test-Driven Development
"Let's Play: Test-Driven Development" series is a stream-of-consciousness live recording of my successes and slip-ups as I program a real project, from scratch, using test-driven development. I'm hoping this will be an interesting view into how test-driven development works when you take it out of the classroom. As the series continues, I'm sure you'll see quite a bit of incremental design and architecture, too.
This git repository contains the source code developed during the series. For the screencasts, see http://jamesshore.com/Blog/Lets-Play/ .
You can find a Maven POM for this project at https://github.com/pht1/lets_play_tdd/blob/master/pom.xml .
Copyright information:
Except as noted below, all code in this repository is copyright James Shore and licensed under Gnu AGPL 3.
The icons in the icons/ folder are Copyright Yusuke Kamiyamane. All rights reserved. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Find the icons at http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/. Used in this application: the Diagona Icons set.
This project uses the MiGLayout library, which may be found at http://www.miglayout.com/ and is licensed under the BSD and GPL licenses.
This project uses the Mockito library, which may be found at http://mockito.org/ and is licensed under the MIT license.