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minimumDistance and minimumTime in StartListeningAsync
Hi @jamesmontemagno! I have a question on StartListeningAsync method: minimumDistance and minimumTime are in AND or in OR? Does position change when one of these two conditions is verified or when both are verified?
I hope I was clear. Thanks.
Hi @Pippiuz i had the same Question, after investigating the source code, i think the following behaviour is right.
Answer: Minimum Time & Distance is only important for Android, on iOS the ListenerSettings are Important. That means that minimum Time and Distance are not used in iOS. Only in Android the parameter are linked with the AND operator. For iOS the listenerSettings are used and DeferralDistance and DeferralTime are also linked with AND.
Hopefully @jamesmontemagno can check the answer because i´m not 100% sure but my testresult behaves like this.
there is more Because of this Deferral doesen´t work