GeolocatorPlugin copied to clipboard
GPS coordinates periodically don't update
Bug Information
Version Number of Plugin: 4.0.1 Device Tested On: iPhone 6 & Samsung J5
Expected Behavior
New GPS coordinates on every request.
Actual Behavior
Calls to the code below return exactly the same coordinates as the previous requests, even after moving around and/or waiting around 20+ mins between readings.
Code snippet
private async Task GetLocation()
isAcquiringPosition = true;
LoadingDialogShow("Location", "Please wait. Acquiring current location...");
Console.WriteLine("####### Checking location is enabled.");
if (!CrossGeolocator.Current.IsGeolocationEnabled)
InfoDialogShow("Location", "Please turn on location services.");
var result = await Plugin.Permissions.CrossPermissions.Current.RequestPermissionsAsync(new[] { Plugin.Permissions.Abstractions.Permission.Location });
var status = result[Plugin.Permissions.Abstractions.Permission.Location];
Console.WriteLine("####### Checking permissions.");
if (status != Plugin.Permissions.Abstractions.PermissionStatus.Granted)
InfoDialogShow("Location", "Location is required for GPS. Device data cannot be saved.");
CrossGeolocator.Current.DesiredAccuracy = 50;
currentPosition = null;
currentPosition = new Position();
currentPosition = await CrossGeolocator.Current.GetPositionAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Console.WriteLine("####### GPS:: " + currentPosition.Latitude + ", " + currentPosition.Longitude);
currentPosition = null;
Console.WriteLine("####### GPS:: NON-EXISTENT");
if (currentPosition == null)
InfoDialogShow("Location", "Could not get GPS coordinates and determine current location.");
gpsDataLatLong[0] = currentPosition.Latitude;
gpsDataLatLong[1] = currentPosition.Longitude;
isAcquiringPosition = false;
@TheForeignMan that's rather strange! I am not able to reproduce on my Galaxy S7. Could you run the code on simulator, and manually try set the location?
@prashantvc I'm also having this issue (iOS only). It only happens in some cases for a few minutes and it's really hard to reproduce. I did some reading and found out that CLLocationManager will sometimes cache the user's location, so you should always validate the timestamp provided by CLLocation to ensure fresh data.
Core Location may report a cached value to your delegate immediately after you start the service, followed by a more current value later. Check the time stamp of any data objects you receive before using them.