RunProcessAsTask copied to clipboard
Simple wrapper around System.Diagnostics.Process to expose it as a System.Threading.Tasks.Task
Simple wrapper around System.Diagnostics.Process to expose it as a System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ProcessResults>
Includes support for cancellation, timeout (via cancellation), and exposes the standard output, standard error, exit code, and run time of the process.
To install into your project:
PM> Install-Package RunProcessAsTask
NOTE: if you need to handle stdout/stderr as they happen (while the process is still running), you may want to use Process directly or look at the CliWrap project
Example Usages
Synchronous, just easier way of grabbing output / error / runtime for the process
Task<ProcessResults> processResults = ProcessEx.RunAsync("git.exe", "pull").Result;
Console.WriteLine("Exit code: " + processResults.ExitCode);
Console.WriteLine("Run time: " + processResults.RunTime);
Console.WriteLine("{0} lines of standard output", processResults.StandardOutput.Length);
foreach (var output in processResults.StandardOutput)
Console.WriteLine("Output line: " + output);
Console.WriteLine("{0} lines of standard error", processResults.StandardError.Length);
foreach (var error in processResults.StandardError)
Console.WriteLine("Error line: " + error);
Provide timeout for running process
public async Task RunCommandWithTimeout(string filename, string arguments, TimeSpan timeout)
var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = filename,
Arguments = arguments,
using (var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
var processResults = await ProcessEx.RunAsync(processStartInfo, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
Console.WriteLine("Timeout of {0} hit while trying to run {1} {2}", timeout, filename, arguments);
Run multiple commands with dependencies in an async fashion
public async Task ShowLastMatchingCommit(string regex)
var logProcessResults = await ProcessEx.RunAsync("git.exe", "log --pretty=oneline --all -n 1 -G" + regex);
if (logProcessResults.ExitCode != 0) return;
var stdoutSplit = logProcessResults.StandardOutput[0].Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2);
var commitHash = stdoutSplit[0];
var commitMessage = stdoutSplit[1];
Console.WriteLine("Last commit matching {0} was {1} and had commit message {2}", regex, commitHash, commitMessage);
var showProcessResults = await ProcessEx.RunAsync("git.exe", "show --pretty=fuller " + commitHash);
foreach (var stdoutLine in showProcessResults.StandardOutput)
Console.WriteLine("git show output: " + stdoutLine);