MailChimp-Widget icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MailChimp-Widget copied to clipboard

A simple MailChimp Widget Plugin for WordPress.

MailChimp Widget

Adds a widget that allows your users to sign up for your MailChimp mailing list.


This plugin provides an easy, lightweight way to let your users sign up for your MailChimp list. You can use it to sign up users for several different lists by creating multiple instances of the widget. Once a user has signed up, a cookie is stored on their machine to prevent the sign up form for that particular list from displaying. Sign ups for other lists will display.

The MailChimp Widget:

  • is easy to use
  • is AJAX-enabled, but degrades gracefully if Javascript isn't turned on
  • encourages the collection of only information that you actually need (i.e., an email address) to send your mailers

If you find this plugin useful, please rate it and/or make a donation.


  1. Upload the mailchimp_widget to /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
  3. Enter a valid MailChimp API key on the plugin admin page ("Settings" >> "MailChimp Widget"). You can obtain a MailChimp API key after creating an account at
  4. Drag the widget into your sidebar from the "Widgets" menu in WordPress.
  5. Select a mailing list and you're ready to go!
  6. Please rate the plugin.


  1. Just add your MailChimp API key.
  2. Select your Widget Options.
  3. The widget displays in your sidebar.