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Use deviantART's RSS/XML feeds as a CMS to dynamically embed deviation galleries on your website.


Use DeviantArt's RSS/XML feeds as a CMS to dynamically embed deviation galleries on your website.

DeviantArt users can create Gallery Folders to organise their deviations (e.g.

This script returns the data from all the deviations from the specified folder.

What is the URL of the feed and its parameters?

The RSS URL always begins with: followed by some query parameters, e.g.

DeviantArt's RSS documentation only provides a couple of examples of how to construct RSS URLs.

Here is an expanded list of query parameters:

Query params Example Description
q=by:[deviant name] q=by:fu51on
q=gallery:[deviant name] q=gallery:fu51on
q=gallery:[deviant name]/[gallery] q=gallery:fu51on/27123391
q=[search term] q=frogs
q=in:[category] q=in:visual_art
offset=[number] offset=60
order=[number] order=5 Order by newest
order=[number] order=9 Order by all-time popularity
limit=[number] limit=10 1-60

How can I get the Featured and Scraps galleries?

Please see

What data does the feed provide?

  • title
  • link
  • permalink
  • date
  • keywords (doesn't seem to return anything at the moment)
  • rating
  • category
  • deviant's name
  • deviant's avatar
  • copyright
  • description
  • thumbnail (w: 150)
  • thumbnail (w: 300)
  • deviation

Usage - PHP


    $deviations = getDeviations('');

getDeviations() returns an array of objects containing all the data about each deviation from the provided gallery folder.

You can use a foreach loop to extract the data you require:

    $i = 0;

    foreach($deviations as $deviation): ?>
        <p><?= $deviations[$i]->title; ?></p>
        <img src="<?= $deviations[$i]->image; ?>"/>


getDeviations($url, $limit, $start);

$url: DeviantArt feed url[deviant name]/[gallery]

$limit: Limit the number of deviations to be displayed

$start: How many deviations to skip before displaying the rest

Usage - Javascript

processDeviations() is called once getDeviations() is complete which returns an array of objects containing all the data about each deviation from the provided gallery folder.

You can use a for loop to extract the data you require:


<script src="getDeviations.js"></script>
    getDeviations('', null, 0);

    function processDeviations(deviations) {
        for(var i = 0, l = deviations.length; i < l; i++) {


getDeviations(url, limit, start);

url: DeviantArt feed url[deviant name]/[gallery]

limit: Limit the number of deviations to be displayed, default is null

start: How many deviations to skip before displaying the rest, default is 0