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Allocate Fortran arrays from Python

Open zhucaoxiang opened this issue 4 years ago • 14 comments

@jameskermode Hi James, is there a way to allocate Fortran arrays from the Python side? With the native f2py, it is realized by direct assignment in Python. Somehow, this ability was lost when interfacing with the *.fpp files. And I will get an error of ValueError: array is NULL.

Fortran 90 source code:

module mod
  real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: b 
  subroutine foo
    integer k
    if (allocated(b)) then
       print*, "b=["
       do k = 1,size(b,1)
          print*, b(k,1:size(b,2))
       print*, "]"
       print*, "b is not allocated"
  end subroutine foo
end module mod

and wrap it using f2py -c -m allocarr allocarr.f90.

In Python:

>>> import allocarr
>>> print(allocarr.mod.__doc__)
b - 'f'-array(-1,-1), not allocated
foo - Function signature:

>>> allocarr.mod.foo()  
 b is not allocated
>>> allocarr.mod.b = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]             # allocate/initialize b
>>> allocarr.mod.foo()
   1.000000       2.000000       3.000000    
   4.000000       5.000000       6.000000    
>>> allocarr.mod.b                                      # b is Fortran-contiguous
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
       [ 4.,  5.,  6.]], dtype=float32)
>>> allocarr.mod.b.flags.f_contiguous
>>> allocarr.mod.b = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]  # reallocate/initialize b
>>> allocarr.mod.foo()
   1.000000       2.000000       3.000000    
   4.000000       5.000000       6.000000    
   7.000000       8.000000       9.000000    
>>> allocarr.mod.b = None                               # deallocate array
>>> allocarr.mod.foo()
 b is not allocated

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 18:06 zhucaoxiang

If Fortran 'owns' the array then the allocate() call needs to be in Fortran - easiest way to achieve this is to wrap constructor/destructor routines.

However, it is possible to allocate a numpy array with Fortran memory ordering e.g. a = np.zeros((3, 2), order='F') and pass this in as an intent in/out argument which can be modified from Fortran. (For 1-D arrays order='C'and order='F' are equivalent so it doesn't matter).

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

Now that I read your code more carefully, it's interesting if this possible with native f2py. Would be interesting to figure out where this goes wrong with f90wrap.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

@jameskermode Yes, I tested it and it is possible for f2py. This comes from the documentation at the end of https://numpy.org/devdocs/f2py/python-usage.html.

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 zhucaoxiang

As far as I remember f90wrap doesn't treat allocatable arrays specially, maybe that's the problem.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

@jameskermode It is also possible for f2py-f90wrap. The "problem" happens at generating the .fpp file will treat b array as a function.

    def b(self):
        Element b ftype=real pytype=float
        Defined at library.fpp line 8
        array_ndim, array_type, array_shape, array_handle = \
        if array_handle in self._arrays:
            b = self._arrays[array_handle]
            b = f90wrap.runtime.get_array(f90wrap.runtime.sizeof_fortran_t,
            self._arrays[array_handle] = b
        return b
    def b(self, b):
        self.b[...] = b
    def __str__(self):
        ret = ['<library>{\n']
        ret.append('    b : ')
        return ''.join(ret)
    _dt_array_initialisers = []

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 zhucaoxiang

Aha. Would you be willing to remove the [...] on the line self.b[...] = b and see if this fixes the problem? You can edit the auto-generated code after running f90wrap.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

@jameskermode By doing so, I got the following error.

In [4]: lib.library.b = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]                                                                            
RecursionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-3b18ccdd94cd> in <module>
----> 1 lib.library.b = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

~/Documents/Code/TMP/f90wrap_test/ExampleArray.py in b(self, b)
     98     @b.setter
     99     def b(self, b):
--> 100         self.b = b
    102     def __str__(self):

... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...

~/Documents/Code/TMP/f90wrap_test/ExampleArray.py in b(self, b)
     98     @b.setter
     99     def b(self, b):
--> 100         self.b = b
    102     def __str__(self):

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 zhucaoxiang

Ah, ok, yes, I see that. Maybe try removing the setter routine altogether.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

Then it can not be set.

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 zhucaoxiang

OK, this is a bit fiddly - I think I understand the problem at least, and I'll try to take a look myself, but won't manage it tonight. The raw array lives in self._arrays dictionary, you may be able to experiment with assigning to that.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

Thanks, I am not in a rush. When trying to access self._arrays, I got ValueError: array is NULL.

zhucaoxiang avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 zhucaoxiang

Yes, you need to get it via the property once first, then there will be a cached reference in self._arrays. Assigning to this may well do what you want.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

If that does work we could change the setter to do self._arrays[array_handle] = b, but would need to look up the handle somehow.

jameskermode avatar Jun 02 '20 19:06 jameskermode

Yes, you need to get it via the property once first, then there will be a cached reference in self._arrays. Assigning to this may well do what you want.

I tried to access the property. But on the first access, it is still going to call the get_array method, which gives the error ValueError: array is NULL. @jameskermode

baojd42 avatar Jan 08 '23 09:01 baojd42