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f90wrap gets confused if the argument of a module procedure has name of the interface
Dear James,
this is an error probably due to bad programming and I do not see how it could be resolved. The Fortran program should probably be edited (that's what I did whence I found the error).
The individual module procedures had an argument with exactly the name of the interface. The test program is:
module itestit
implicit none
public :: testit
interface testit
module procedure testit1, testit2
end interface testit
subroutine testit1(n,testit)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: testit
real :: swap
swap = testit(1)
testit = swap
end subroutine testit1
subroutine testit2(testit)
implicit none
real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: testit
real, dimension(size(testit,1)) :: swap
swap = testit
testit = swap
end subroutine testit2
end module itestit
You see that testit1 and testit2 have arguments with the name testit. So f90wrap writes the following:
subroutine f90wrap_testit1(n, testit, n0)
use itestit, only: testit
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, intent(inout), dimension(n0) :: testit
integer :: n0
!f2py intent(hide), depend(testit) :: n0 = shape(testit,0)
call testit(n=n, testit=testit)
end subroutine f90wrap_testit1
subroutine f90wrap_testit2(testit, n0)
use itestit, only: testit
implicit none
real, intent(inout), dimension(n0) :: testit
integer :: n0
!f2py intent(hide), depend(testit) :: n0 = shape(testit,0)
call testit(testit=testit)
end subroutine f90wrap_testit2
So it uses testit from the module itestit. But then the input arguments are also called testit. This obviously fails during compiling.
As said, I think this is bad programming and I do not see how f90wrap could deal with it. But I just wanted to report it anyway.
Kind regards Matthias