dash-auth-external copied to clipboard
Plotly Dash plugin to allow authentication through 3rd party OAuth providers.
Integrate your dashboards with 3rd party APIs and external OAuth providers.
Do you want to build a Plotly Dash app which pulls user data from external APIs such as Google, Spotify, Slack etc?
Dash-auth-external provides a simple interface to authenticate users through OAuth2 code flow. Allowing developers to serve user tailored content.
Dash-auth-external is distributed via PyPi
pip install dash-auth-external
#using spotify as an example
AUTH_URL = "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize"
TOKEN_URL = "https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token"
# creating the instance of our auth class
auth = DashAuthExternal(AUTH_URL, TOKEN_URL, CLIENT_ID)
We then pass the flask server from this object to dash on init.
app = Dash(__name__, server= auth.server)
That's it! You can now define your layout and callbacks as usual.
To obtain your access token, call the get_token method of your Auth object. NOTE This can ONLY be done in the context of a dash callback.
app.layout = html.Div(
Output("example-output", "children"),
Input("example-input", "value")
def example_callback(value):
token = auth.get_token()
##The token can only be retrieved in the context of a dash callback
token_data = auth.get_token_data()
# get_token_data can be used to access other data returned by the OAuth Provider
return token
Results in something like:
>>> fakeToken123
>>> {
"access_token" : "fakeToken123",
"user_id" : "lucifer",
"some_other_key" : 666,
"expires_at" : "judgmentDay"
Refresh Tokens
If your OAuth provider supports refresh tokens, these are automatically checked and handled in the get_token method.
Check if your OAuth provider requires any additional scopes to support refresh tokens
If you hit 400 responses (bad request) from either endpoint, there are a number of things that might need configuration.
Make sure you have checked the following
- Register your redirect URI with OAuth provider!
The library uses a default redirect URI of
Contributions, issues, and ideas are all more than welcome.