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A code-generator for Idris that targets Elixir

Idris Elixir

An Elixir code-generator for Idris based on the LDecl intermediate representation. Use dependent types and other awsome Idris features with easy FFI to Elixir. The idea is to use the ideas from e.g. this paper to create safe distributed processes, while having access to GenStage, OTP, etc.

By using LDecl the generated Elixir code is already quite readable, for example the Idris code:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

sumTree : Tree Int -> Int
sumTree (Leaf x) = x
sumTree (Node l r) = sumTree l + sumTree r

compiles to:

# Main.sumTree
curry i_Main_d_sumTree/1
def i_Main_d_sumTree( arg0 ) do
  aux1 =
    case arg0 do
      {:Leaf, in1} ->
      {:Node, in2, in3} ->
        i_Main_d_sumTree( in2 ) + i_Main_d_sumTree( in3 )

And this can still be improved.

Work in progress, much inspired by the Javascript and Python code-generators.


There is a behaviour type Beh : Type -> Type -> Type which is used for coding safe actors. These are actors which won't send messages to actors which don't know how to handle them. Beh a b is code for a safe-actor which expects messages of type a which results in a b. The essential functions are:

||| PID of current process
self : Beh a (PID a)

||| Receive a message
recv : Beh a a

||| Send a message to a prcess which expects messages of that type
send : (pid : PID m) -> (x : m) -> Beh a ()

||| Spawn a new process and return PID
spawn : Beh b () -> Beh a (PID b)

Frequency allocation server

Here is an example of a frequency allocation server for a telephone network (an example from the Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP book):

State : Type
State = List Int

  data Req = GetFreq (PID Resp) | RetFreq Int
  data Resp = NoneFree | Freq Int

loop : State -> Beh Req ()
loop free = do
  x <- recv
  case x of
    GetFreq pid => do
      case free of
        [] => do
          send pid NoneFree
          loop []
        i :: rest => do
          send pid (Freq i)
          loop rest
    RetFreq i => loop (i :: free)

Full example here.

Handle polymorphic messages

Using fancy idris types we can also make "polymorphic servers" responding to many sorts of messages, for example messages of any type which implements a certain interface:

data ShowVal : Type where
  MkShowVal : {a : Type} -> (Show a) => a -> ShowVal

printer : Beh (PID (), ShowVal) ()
printer = do
  (pid, MkShowVal x) <- recv
  liftIO (putStrLn' ("Here is you printout: " ++ show x))
  send pid ()

Respond safely to arbitrary servers

By including in the message a constructor (or arbitrary function to use to respond), we can also have servers which respond to various other processes:

RespInt : Type
RespInt = (a ** (PID a, Int -> a))

keepInt : Int -> Beh (RespInt, Int) ()
keepInt state = do
  ((_ ** (pid, injInt)), i) <- recv
  let newState = state + i
  send pid (injInt newState)
  keepInt newState

sendKeepInt : PID (RespInt, Int) -> PID a -> (Int -> a) -> Int -> Beh a ()
sendKeepInt ki pid f i = send ki ((_ ** (pid, f)), i)

data Foo = A Int | B (List String)

foo : PID () -> PID (RespInt, Int) -> Beh Foo ()
foo coord ki = do
  me <- self
  sendKeepInt ki me A 1
  A resp <- recv | _ => liftIO (putStrLn' "foo got back something else.")
  liftIO (putStrLn' ("foo got back: " ++ show resp))
  send coord ()

TODO: It would also be nice to create processes which implement protocols specified in their type.


I am in the process of making FFI functions for spaning OTP servers. For the moment there is only:

gengenserver : (init : () -> InitRet state reason) ->
               (hcall : Req msg state -> HandleCallRet state reply reason) ->
               EIO (Ptr, Ptr)

which will spawn an OTP GenServer with init function init and hcall for the handle_call callback.


Datatypes are compiled as follows:

Idris Elixir
() : () {}
(x, y) : (a,b) {x, y}
True, False : Bool true, false
Idris Lists and any type using the constructors Nil and (::) Elixir lists
Idris Strings Elixir strings

The constructors of a custom data-type are compiled to tuples whose first item is an Elixir atom corresponding to the constructor name.


data Tree a : Type -> Type where
  Leaf : (x : a) -> Tree a
  Node : (left : Tree a) -> (right : Tree a) -> Tree a

The idris tree

Node (Leaf 42)
     (Node (Node (Leaf 2)
                 (Leaf 4))
           (Leaf 7))

Will compile to the Elixir value:

{:Node, {:Leaf, 42},
        {:Node, {:Node, {:Leaf, 2},
                        {:Leaf, 4}},
                {:Leaf, 7}}}

However constructors with no arguments get turned into simple keywords, so for example Nothing corresponds to :Nothing.

If you are using a datatype with FFI you might need to use the %used directive to avoid the idris compiler erasing the fields:

%used Leaf x
%used Node left
%used Node right


Build the haskell project (you need to have stack installed):

$ stack build

Build the elixir Idris library, which provides Elixir FFI and OTP bindings:

$ cd lib
$ stack exec idris -- --build elixir.ipkg 
$ stack exec idris -- --install elixir.ipkg

The examples directory is an Elixir mix project with some example idris projects. For example to run the frequency allocation example:

$ cd examples
$ stack exec idris -- lib/freqalloc/src/Main.idr -p elixir --codegen elixir -o lib/freq_alloc.ex

To run the elixir project:

$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> Main.main()


  • Make protocol actors
  • Implement FFI functions for the main OTP behaviours
  • Lazy values are made with Elixir Agents, but they don't terminate so this is surely a memory leak.