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Docker - Mesa 3D OpenGL Software Rendering (Gallium) - LLVMpipe, and OpenSWR Drivers

Docker - Mesa 3D OpenGL Software Rendering (Gallium) - LLVMpipe, and OpenSWR Drivers

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Minimal Docker container bundled with the Mesa 3D Gallium Drivers: LLVMpipe & OpenSWR, enabling OpenGL support inside a Docker container without the need for a GPU.


  • Alpine Linux 3.7
  • LLVMpipe Driver (Mesa 18.0.1)
  • OpenSWR Driver (Mesa 18.0.1)
  • OSMesa Interface (Mesa 18.0.1)
  • softpipe - Reference Gallium software driver
  • swrast - Legacy Mesa software rasterizer
  • Xvfb - X Virtual Frame Buffer

Docker Images

Image Description
jamesbrink/opengl Minimal image, good to extend FROM
jamesbrink/opengl:demos Same image with added mesa3d demos such as glxinfo, glxgears, etc..


I build this image primarily to extnend from for other projects, but below are some simple examples. This image is already loaded with a trivial entrypoint script.

Extending from this image.

FROM jamesbrink/opengl:18.0.1
COPY ./MyAppOpenGLApp /AnywhereMyHeartDesires
RUN apk add --update my-deps...

Running a simple glxgears test.

docker run jamesbrink/opengl:demos glxgears -info

Running glxgears with OpenSWR

docker run -e GALLIUM_DRIVER=swr jamesbrink/opengl:demos glxgears -info

Environment Variables

High level settings

Variable Default Value Description
XVFB_WHD 1920x1080x24 Xvfb demensions and bit depth.
DISPLAY :99 X Display number.
LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE 1 Forces Mesa 3D to always use software rendering.
GALLIUM_DRIVER llvmpipe Sets OpenGL Driver llvmpipe, swr, softpipe, and swrast

Lower level settings / tweaks

Variable Default Value Description
LP_NO_RAST false LLVMpipe - If set LLVMpipe will no-op rasterization
LP_DEBUG "" LLVMpipe - A comma-separated list of debug options is accepted
LP_PERF "" LLVMpipe - A comma-separated list of options to selectively no-op various parts of the driver.
LP_NUM_THREADS "" LLVMpipe - An integer indicating how many threads to use for rendering. Zero (0) turns off threading completely. The default value is the number of CPU cores present.