YouTube-No-Buffer copied to clipboard
Whenever I click a stopped Video it will toggle ON/OFF/ON/OFF/ON/OFF... indefinitely with a ~50% chance
So here is how I reproduce it:
Step 1: Go to some Youtube Channels List of Videos and think "hey i'm gonna watch a few of those Videos" Step 2: Use Middleclick to open multiple Videos in new Tabs (which as you might guess is the main use-case of this extension for me) Step 3: Whenever you click Play on the Player it will have a ~50% chance to do the following: 1: Enable the Player 2: Start the Video 3: Buffer for a second (eating a lot of bandwidth) 4: Disable the Player (even though I actually wanted to watch the Video) 5: GOTO 1 and repeat forever until interrupted, wasting a ton of my Data Limit and lagging Firefox.
This particular Bug is so bad that the extension doesn't make sense to use anymore, so i would kinda like it to be fixed. ^^