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How to fill a column of type 'multi-select'? and how edit column: schema? (Solved)
I am trying to create a telegram-bot that will create notes in notion, for this i use:
then I connected my notion by adding token_v2, and then receiving data about the note that I want to save in notion, at the end i save a note on notion like this:
def make_notion_row():
collection_view = client.get_collection_view(list_url[temporary_category]) #take collection
row = collection_view.collection.add_row() #make row
row.ssylka = temporary_link #this is link
row.nazvanie_zametki = temporary_name #this is name
if temporary_category == 0: #this is category, where do I want to save the note
row.stil = temporary_subcategory #this is subcategory
tags = temporary_tag.split(',') #temporary_tags is text that has many tags separated by commas. I want to get these tags as an array
for tag_one in tags:
**add_new_multi_select_value("Теги", tag_one): #"Теги" is "Tag column" in russian. in this situation, tag_one takes on the following values: ['my_hero_academia','midoria']**
row.kategoria = temporary_subcategory
this script works, but the problem is filling in the 'Tags' column which is of type 'multi-select'.
Since in the readme 'notion-py', nothing was said about filling in the 'multi-select', therefore
I used the bkiac function. here is the slightly modified by me function: `
art_tags = ['ryuko_matoi', 'kill_la_kill']
def add_new_multi_select_value(prop, value, style=None):
global temporary_prop_schema
if style is None:
style = choice(art_tags)
collection_schema = collection_view.collection.get(["schema"])
prop_schema = next(
(v for k, v in collection_schema.items() if v["name"] == prop), None
if not prop_schema:
raise ValueError(
f'"{prop}" property does not exist on the collection!'
if prop_schema["type"] != "multi_select":
raise ValueError(f'"{prop}" is not a multi select property!')
dupe = next(
(o for o in prop_schema["options"] if o["value"] == value), None
if dupe:
raise ValueError(f'"{value}" already exists in the schema!')
temporary_prop_schema = prop_schema
{"id": str(uuid1()), "value": value, "style": style}
collection.set("schema", collection_schema)
But it turned out that this function does not work, and gives the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\laere\OneDrive\Documents\Programming\Other\notion-bot\program\notionbot\", line 53, in add_new_multi_select_value
collection.set("schema", collection_schema)
File "C:\Users\laere\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\notion\", line 115, in set
File "C:\Users\laere\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\notion\", line 290, in submit_transaction"submitTransaction", data)
File "C:\Users\laere\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39-32\lib\site-packages\notion\", line 260, in post
raise HTTPError(
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Unsaved transactions: Not allowed to edit column: schema
Honestly, I don’t know how to solve this problem, the question is how to fill a column of type 'multi-select'? or how edit column: schema?
this is my table
I solved this problem using this command
row.set_property("Категория", temporary_subcategory)
and do not be afraid if there is an error "options ..." this can be solved by adding settings for the 'multi-select' field.