notion-py copied to clipboard
get_collection_view returning None
The code below works well in modifying a page. But it keeps on returning None when I try to access a database.
from notion.client import NotionClient
client = NotionClient(token_v2=token)
# Replace this URL with the URL of the page you want to edit
page = client.get_block("")
print("The old title is:", page.title)
# Note: You can use Markdown! We convert on-the-fly to Notion's internal formatted text data structure.
page.title = "The title has now changed, and has *live-* in the !"
task_database = ""
cv = client.get_collection_view(task_database)
I think it's not only collections, get() on page returns none:
Out[22]: <PageBlock (id='removed', title='Academic Web Page from Notion using Hugo')>
Successfully created page returns None when get() called.
I am not having this problem with get_collection_view
@WardBenjamin interesting, what is your notion py version and how do you use it?
@AlexMikhalev looks like 0.0.25, latest on PyPI. Both client.get_block(url)
and client.get_collection_view(url)
are working for me, with URLs in the format of
Except for embedded images, all of the read API's that I've tried so far seem to be working for me. Something about the security policy on the image requests is also broken, as are quite a few other things about the library (most of the write/sync APIs, particularly anything that calls submitTransaction since Notion seems to only use saveTransaction in the web version). It seems like waiting until the official release might be the only real option if you want to do anything more than reading text.
Thank you, I hacked my way around lack of raw response, I will be waiting for next release.
FYI for those interested, I had this exact issue and resolved
pip install notion
rather than
pip install notion-py
Not exactly a fix, but hopefully a workaround for those who were scratching their heads like me
The same for me. My investigations are:
# the collection id in notion-py is 'raw' format
LINK = ""
client = NotionClient(token_v2=TOKEN_V2)
cv = client.get_collection_view(DB_LINK)
# the collection id is 70b752520eec4ab0a58d20ec85553228
# but in browser the collection id is 0b3de74d-630c-489e-bf0d-059f23e41e06
Installing notion not notion-py helps, thanks @bisaacsdfs.
had to make the Notion page public for this to work for me