vimcmdline icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vimcmdline copied to clipboard

Send code to command line interpreter

Results 19 vimcmdline issues
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I have encountered this error via a simple example. Could anyone advise? neovim 0.7.0 python 3.9.12 ipython 8.3.0 vimcmdline latest

I tried this command. ``` let cmdline_app = {} let cmdline_app['python'] = 'ssh [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) python' ``` This command run well. As image tells us, VCL could connect external session (...

if I use space to excute a line like "import bla", then there will be long stacktraces like below, although in fact the import actually works. this is not an...

For some reason VimCmdLineSendLine() works but VimCmdLineSendSelection() and b:cmdline_source_fun(...) actually put > delete require.cache[require.resolve('/tmp/cmdline_1586888699_${user}/lines.js')]; require('/tmp/cmdline_1586888699_${user}/lines.js') into the console and doesn't run the code in selection. I'm using nvim 0.4.3 with...

Sending a visual selection to the interpreter can cause problems when the last character is a multi-byte character. This is because the current implementation is based on plain bytes, not...

gnome-termnial --version I get # GNOME Terminal 3.28.2 using VTE 0.52.2 +GNUTLS -PCRE2 If I execute gnome-terminal -- "echo 'hi'" or gnome-terminal -- 'echo "hi"' Then I got the error...

When I send multiple lines of Python (e.g. a paragraph or function) to IPython running in a Neovim terminal buffer, "%cpaste -q" appears at the console and nothing happens. If...

This is a great project! I love it! I just have a minor usability issue: I was wondering if there's a way to toggle the interpreter? Because when I start...

I use both vimcmdline and nvim-R, in nvim-R i could swich between different tabs in vim-nerdtree and send lines to the same R console, but in vimcmdline, when i switch...

I tried to use `vimcmdline` with `conda`, however it doesn't work due to the fact that the newly created `python` interpreter does not inherit the environment variable `PATH` from `vim`....