refind-theme-nord copied to clipboard
rEFInd theme inspired by the Nord palette
rEFInd theme Nord
Simple rEFInd theme inspired by the Nord palette.
This theme is derived from icons from other source; see COPYING for details.
On UNIX-like platforms simply open a terminal and enter:
curl -sL | bash
Or if you prefer to install manually:
Download lastest release
curl -sL | tar xvz
cd refind-theme-nord-1.0.0
Identify your
partition and inside it yourrefind
directory. For example:/efi/EFI/refind
tree -L 3 /efi
It results in:
/efi └── EFI └── refind ├── fonts ├── icons ├── refind.conf ├── refind_x64.efi └── vars
Create the directory
and copy files to it. You need root permissionssudo mkdir -p /efi/EFI/refind/themes/nord
sudo cp -r {icons,theme.conf,*.png} $_
Includes Nord theme in
sudo sed "s/^include/#include/g" -i /efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf
echo "include themes/nord/theme.conf" | sudo tee -a /efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf
Installation on Arch Linux
From AUR repository:
git clone
cd refind-theme-nord
makepkg -si
Using AUR helper as PARU:
paru -S refind-theme-nord
- [x] Add icons for other distros
- [ ] Add Snow Storn palette