Lokasenna_GUI copied to clipboard
Possible improvement for problems with too fast double-click speed
This hint is from a post in the ReaLauncher thread (post #488): https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=2397003#post2397003
Just in case someone has an issue with the double clicking speed being too fast:
Open "Core.lua" in Lokasenna's GUI library, the file is likely located in "Scripts\ReaTeam Scripts\Development\Lokasenna_GUI v2\Library", search for "Left button" comment line, find the lines (starts at line 838 for ver. 2.9)
-- Double clicked? if GUI.mouse.downtime and reaper.time_precise() - GUI.mouse.downtime < 0.10
and change the value in bold to something higher, 0.30 seems to work okay.
Fantastic @reasolger This is to be done. It solves a lot of issues.