Great library, We are investigating using IdentityServer4 for authentication and currently all MongoDb versions are not working well. My question, have you tried using your library (with Identity support) in...
Using the GraphQLAuthorize attribute, can I apply multiple policies at once ... like ["Admin", "Teacher"] . Then any user that has any of those claims get authorized.
Sorry if those questions seem trivial. I have not found any documentation. Can I send the "Username" on open connection ? Or this is done at OnAuthenticate? How can distinguish...
Great and simple project ... although one critical thing is missing ... 'Retry' Can you use the same technique used here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/324059/Using-MSMQ-in-mail-relay to have a 'Retry feature' in case of...
I have an input control which I use like this $("#money").numeric("."); $(#money").change(function() { alert ("Never called"); }); Any idea what is going on here ?
Hi Matt, Create work. I was wondering if you can provide a working sample that would show in practice the benefits of using this bundle. I agree it would be...
Hi The version here https://pub.dev/packages/trust_wallet_core is outdated ... do you mind publishing a new build ?