James Curley

Results 20 issues of James Curley

The `most_recent` variable in the teamnames df needs to be updated to indicate which version of each teamname is being used in the current season.

In large graphs where edges are added in sequence may be beneficial to highlight the most recently added edge. Perhaps by alpha or weight? Can show where connections are spreading...


Is there a way of adding interactivity such as nodes changing color or tooltip. I have made a limited tooltip to an example using `ggiraph`. Are there any other examples?...


should be able to add most of the 2nd tier of Italy data

Seems like this could lead to unfortunate errors. What is even the value of these rows existing in the df? Probably should remove them, but need to run checks.

Absolute pain. Need to have a new column in `greece` dataframe that demarks playoff game or not. Have most playoff games in last few years, but need to add in...

belgium has playoff games at end of season - need to add these in

it seems to stop at Papa Diop - no players lower down in the alphabet

Seems to me that the 2015/16 league position make many of the values on the x-axis of the EPL finishing positions go bold at the team pages - not just...