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Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP

Results 12 phpqa issues
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1. Slightly refactors the env vars for clarity 2. Sets `WORKDIR` earlier - phive was creating `.phive/phar.xml` in the CWD (so `/` for alpine) 3. Isolates the `toolbox-install` stage and...

``` /project # ls -l /tools/.composer/config.json -rw------- 1 root root 155 Jun 20 02:01 /tools/.composer/config.json ```

Hello I encounter a problem with PHPMD ( and then, I see that the last released version is `2.12.0`( When I run `docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project -w /project...

`nightly.yml` doesn't populate `INSTALLATION_DATE` build argument as far as I can tell

If you're passing your SSH keys mounted to the container, they need to have the correct permissions for SSH to want to use them. ``` Bad owner or permissions on...

Hello, thanks for your work by maintaining this utility. Since the latest docker image build from yesterday (using jakzal/phpqa:php7.4 tag), PHPStan seems to ignore the level parameter on both command...

Release process is already automated with: ```bash make release ``` The command has been tested over the past months. We can now start triggering it automatically on a regular basis.


``` Warning: Undefined array key 314 in phar:///tools/.phive/phars/phpmetrics/phpmetrics-2.7.3.phar/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer.php on line 293 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: PhpParser\Lexer::getNextToken(): Return value must be of type int, null returned in phar:///tools/.phive/phars/phpmetrics/phpmetrics-2.7.3.phar/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer.php:333 Stack trace: #0...

```bash Successfully extracted cache Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:06 Using docker image sha256:803c688afae652c73220eeebef8b635bf730f41947e333d2c95921ac15d12b71 for jakzal/phpqa:php7.4-alpine with digest jakzal/phpqa@sha256:bc295c86dc517fb3cffe8fd1be442d47e8b76402409400dbc80b48b2758d8813 ... $ phpstan analyse --ansi src Note: Using configuration...