Jakob Heuser

Results 17 comments of Jakob Heuser

> My error came out of the blue, after I've upgrade 5 packages. I reverted all of them but 2, the issue does still persist. I am suspecting expo-dev-client 1.3.1....

For @hirbod and others, I'm linking #42, which has a similar code smell. If you've removed the plugin completely from `app.json` / `app.config.js` and the build is still failing then...

Out of curiosity, are there things @types/lokijs isn't covering? The only item I've really come across so far is the `$exists` operator which isn't exposed on the top level. It...

Based on the [roadmap](https://github.com/techfort/LokiJS#roadmap) I don't think a TS migration is planned. We can either add our own `.d.ts` or PR against `@types/lokijs`. My suggestion is we improve the external...

## Versioning Just a note, I don't see anything in v3 or v4 that should cause a breaking change and a major rev. Major revisions create a lot of headache...

**Workaround**: You can place a single `.lintstagedrc.cjs` at your monorepo root. This sidesteps the mutliple lint-staged config files, at the expense of a bit more complex configuration. For example, this...

`closest` returns the leading edge. If you want the trailing edge, pass `{end: true}` to the function. ```js var bs = require("binarysearch") const needle = 32.99; const haystack = [25,...