Jakob Guldberg Aaes
Jakob Guldberg Aaes
Sorry for the openings/closings... Panicked and pressed the close button for absolutely no reason.... however I think the addition solves your to-do in an excellent guide which have helped me...
> Wouldn't this defeat the purpose of the pomodoro technique? Sorry - I misunderstood what you first meant. But see my proposed solution in the pull request, which does exactly...
Well I have to make a little revision and make a new pr as I did some mistakes and kantor came with some better namings :rofl:
Have anyone tried compiling i3-gnome with the source modded to just a static true and see if it works?
I get the same error on manjaro, i3 - PyQt v 3.15, pandasgui v. 0.2.13 on python 3.10.4
Can't imagine it would be too hard grabbing the stream and applying it to each 10th or 20th image
No stress! I might make a mockup for reference :D
It still works - you can manually go to `/site-packages/drf_generator/management/commands/generate.py:45` and add it. It still works with django 4.11.
> Here's a solution using [shuf](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/shuf-invocation.html) from GNU coreutils: > > `echo '[1, 2, 3, 4]' | jq -c '.[]' | shuf | jq -s '.'` > > Output: >...
Why not use typer for an even better experience, auto documented cli and IMHO much more beautiful.