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crash on CSV import screen leads to "broken" postico installation
I helped a colleague recently where a crash in the CSV import screen lead to postico being unusable. I can't give you a full reproduction of the bug, but here is what happened:
- there was a somewhat ambitious CSV import ... maybe the setting (quotes, seperators, etc) where also not correct
- anyway postico crashed with the CSV import settings screen open
- when reopened postico tried to restore the CSV import screen and promptly crashed again
- this lead to a crash loop that I eventually resolved with renaming
~/Library/Containers/at.eggerapps.Postico/Data/Library/Application Support/Postico/Local Library
, restarting postico, quitting and then renaming the library folder back
I wasn't aware before, that postico tries to restore this screen as well ... anyway it can lead to this restart loop if the CSV parser(?) crashes.