No software changes in Glance, it has been running for at least 6 months without issue. I don't think xdrip changed at the time either. It's possible there was an...
I am using a pre-release version that I side loaded. I'll try loading up the official version and let you know if anything changes, and if not I'll post the...
I definitely didn't. I got the Versa back in August or so and that's when I installed Glance. It's worked fine since then so never even checked for any updates....
Ok, killed the fitbit app and tried again and it installed. It's now displaying my last reading and showing the graph properly. I'll give it a couple hours to see...
Sorry, I didn't look closely at the path there. Checked the regex here: [https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint/blob/master/config/default_rules.yaml#L96](https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint/blob/master/config/default_rules.yaml#L96) and it seems to work, but I get failures - ``` Pulling docker image projectatomic/dockerfile-lint ......