DieselHeaterRF copied to clipboard
How to use it?
I have made an hardware, now what? How can I get firmware for esp32? How can I then controll it via mobile phone? How to connect to it?
Hello AndrejR,
you can take an example script and the library from the repository. You can open the example script (examples/diesel_heater_rf/diesel_heater_rf.ino) directly in the Arduino IDE. Then you have to add the library to your Arduino IDE. The installation on your ESP32 can be done normally via the IDE.
The library has no remote functionality for smartphones to my knowledge. You would have to implement this yourself. The easiest way would be to implement a web interface on the ESP.
The pairing between the ESP and the parking heater should start automatically on the part of the ESP as soon as it is supplied with the software and has booted. On some parking heaters it is necessary to press a pairing button.
I hope that this information helped you. If there are any errors during the steps, please remember to include screenshots and error messages / exceptions here in your follow-up post.
Best regards Malte
Has anyone already compiled anything to be directly used and can share? I do not have enough knowledge to do this part. I use arduino only in relation with ESPhome
Hello AndrejR,
I have compiled the sketch for you now times for the: "DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1" compiled as a binary file.
You can download it under the following link: https://cloud.mwx.one/index.php/s/Q3Qf5B8m2OoSeQP
If you need it compiled for another ESP32 variant, just contact me again.
Many greetings Malte
Hi Qmalte i have it ready for install but i'm using a newer esp32board.
it's the ESP-32 Dev Kit C V4, I tried the bin file in the link but it's not working i think.
do i need a different version?
thanks in advance roger
Nevermind, I got it working by recompiling with correct device
Hello AndrejR,
I have compiled the sketch for you now times for the: "DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1" compiled as a binary file.
You can download it under the following link: https://cloud.mwx.one/index.php/s/Q3Qf5B8m2OoSeQP
If you need it compiled for another ESP32 variant, just contact me again.
Many greetings Malte
Hello there, first of all thank you for sharing. I have a problem. I bought a DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 and a CC1101, connected as per instructions. note that the CC1101 has no pin named CSn but it has one named CKN. I compiled an uploaded to the board. When I power up nothing is shown on the console and the red led on the board is always ON. I tried different ESP32 board, same wroom.32 type, different brand, but still nothing from the console. I tried the link above to download the compiled binary but I guess its' expired. I can confirm that bothe esp32 modules are working. tested in home assistant with some binaries. Any help? Thank you very much. CC1101 module https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005002074380868.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.603036966C4z7O&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita ESP32 module https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005002435072060.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.75.43f136967ZEj3B&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita
Hello MarioNava1962,
the download link should work again now.
Many greetings Malte
Thank you so much. Will give a try and let you know. My goal Is to integrate in home assistant but i Need to start from the beginning Example of how to send commandos would be welcome ;)Mario NavaIl 21 mar 2023 14:56, Malte @.***> ha scritto: Hello MarioNava1962, the download link should work again now. Many greetings Malte
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Thank you so much. Will give a try and let you know. My goal Is to integrate in home assistant but i Need to start from the beginning Example of how to send commandos would be welcome ;)Mario NavaIl 21 mar 2023 14:56, Malte @.> ha scritto: Hello MarioNava1962, the download link should work again now. Many greetings Malte —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.>
I am looking forward for your results. I would like to integrate it to HomeAssistant too, but I am lacking the knowledge... Just all the necessary firmware is waiting on the bench.
@Roger-NL1975 Hi there . You say you have it working . Means that if I get the hardware and compile correctly I can control/monitor the heater with it ? Please be kind to answer so I give it a try. Thank you very much. Francisco
@franciscoasencio i had the esp running with the software, but i had the wrong rf board and never got it to work properly. Sorry to say. I didn't have the priority to do anything with this project. And lost focus on it. Hope you will manage to get it running, sorry I can't be more helpful.
Thank you very much for your answer Sir. I think I will give it a try. Will order some of these , eventaully I can use them anyway to some rf link. I will keep posting when I do so. Greetings Francisco
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