Repo-Downloader copied to clipboard
A small PHP class to download repo zipballs from GitHub
Repo Downloader
A small PHP class to download repo zipballs from GitHub
require 'RepoDownloader.php';
$repoDL = new RepoDownloader();
'user' => 'jakiestfu',
'token' => 'your-access-token',
'repo' => 'YourRepoName',
'saveAs' => ''
Calling the download
function will download the Zip file of the specified repo. Access token is required as this uses GitHubs API
Repo Updater
This class comes bundled with a repo-updating script. Simply upload this script to your server, then go to You Repo -> Settings -> Service Hooks -> Web Hook. Enter the URL of the scripts location, and everytime you push to your repo, the script will download a ZIP of your repo, extract it, and move it to the folder specified in the script, successfully updating your code on your server by simply pushing to GitHub