Jake Vanderplas

Results 70 issues of Jake Vanderplas

It would be useful to be able to doctest myst-nb notebooks within a sphinx project. For example, [sphinx.ext.doctest](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/doctest.html) provides the `testcode` and `testoutput` directives that let you do something like...


It would be nice to provide an easy means for the user to see what version of vega/vega-lite is installed with this package. Currently (unless I'm mistaken) the only way...

Because many python-generated vega plots result in data being embedded into the notebook, notebook size can quickly grow beyond what the browser can handle (see https://github.com/altair-viz/altair/issues/249). Would there be a...

This came up in our chat – I think it's a good idea. Could look something like this: ``` python class Vegalite(object): def __init__(self, spec): try: spec = json.loads(spec) except...

Hi – I love this project. I'm using it for my current paper, which you can see here: http://jakevdp.github.io/multiband_LS/ One feature suggestion: it would be nice if the generated webpage...

Do not merge until Altair 4.0. This is a new prototype of how to set encoding attributes via methods rather than arguments. So rather than ```python alt.Chart(data).mark_point().encode( alt.X('column:Q', axis=alt.Axis(None), scale=alt.Scale(zero=False),...

Currently the repeat API is a bit clunky. For example: ```python import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data iris = data.iris() fields = ['petalLength', 'petalWidth', 'sepalLength', 'sepalWidth'] alt.Chart(iris).mark_point().encode( alt.X(alt.repeat("column"),...


As a rule, I think we should use Altair code internally rather than dicts... it will make things easier to debug if and when Vega-Lite/Altair changes. e.g. ``{'maxbins': 10}`` should...

This is a common pattern with pandas plots: ```python ax = df.plot.line() df.plot.area(ax=ax) ``` We could do a similar thing by adding an ``ax`` argument to methods and using vega-lite...