Jake Vanderplas
Jake Vanderplas
This will be possible in the future with Vega-Lite's recently added Arc marks, but Altair doesn't yet support this.
Vega-Lite does not yet easily support the kind of chart you have in mind; see https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/issues/7848
It looks like a Vega-Lite bug. I'd suggest finding a simpler vega-lite repro of the issue, and filing a bug there.
Thanks! As far as Altair internals go... there's unfortunately not much of a process beyond what's documented in https://github.com/altair-viz/altair/blob/master/NOTES_FOR_MAINTAINERS.md When it the update script leads to errors, the process is...
Side-note: all of these difficulties are caused by extra Python bells and whistles on top of the raw specification... so if you're one of the people who has been disappointed...
shorthands are things like ```python chart.encode(x='sum(x):Q') ``` which is expanded to ```python chart.encode(x=alt.X(field='x', type='quantitative', aggregate-'sum')) ``` I don't think things like this can be removed, because they are front-and-center in...
@mattijn interesting idea, but note that would break most tests that Altair uses to validate new releases. You could work around that by rewriting all the tests (which would be...
altair does have wrappers for full vega specs: `from altair import vega`. Nothing high-level, but all the low-level definitions are there for you to use if you wish.
Regarding automatic API generation... that's what Altair uses at its core, and if it were only that, we'd have no problem upgrading automatically. The problems arise with all the syntactic...
The main challenge with upgrading beyond vega-lite 4.8 is that the `encode(x='x')` shorthand is built around the assumption that `x='x'` can either refer to a `PositionFieldDef` or an `XValueDef`. Vega-Lite...