Jaker MX
Jaker MX
try manual stream selection and go from basic resolution to 720... It is not a Netflix Addon Issue, it is codec related issue, since it is software based, Widevine is...
Please share your log file,I can almost say that you are getting a timeout error on IPC, so please share it
Add a timeout parameter in urlopen call on this file File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.netflix/resources/lib/Navigation.py", line 1053, in From: call_netflix_service data = urllib2.urlopen(full_url).read() To: call_netflix_service data = urllib2.urlopen(full_url,timeout=60).read() and try again
Somehow TVH PVR Client is being called to open all channels when kodi starts, there is an update/rescan process being made by TVH in order to update all muxes, so...
> Greetings, will disabling the tvh addon in kodi will be enough? should I disable elementum too? Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 10:56 PM From: "Jaker MX" To: "asciidisco/plugin.video.netflix"...
How do you have set your video and audi settings in player settings? can you try seting hdmi as audio device instead of ALSA or PULSEAUDIO... and do NOT use...
I understand, but please try to change your default audio device, since it is failing to initialize.. for testing prupurses try hdmi or analog, dont use ALSA (It is not...
cool, remeber you are running 32 bit kodi, if you want better performance I suggest to use a 64 bit linux distro that support your device,since widevine is a softwae...
also, ALSA and PULSEAUDIO does not have the cupport as native HW drivers,So use hwbased insted of them.
Use the context menu, and select play from here.. It will create a playlist and start playing on the selected episode.