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👶 An awesome list for those who are brave enough to share their first programming projects ever. No shame allowed here!

Awesome First Code Awesome

I recently published my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad first HTML site and first PHP project ever and developed a new addiction to Web 1.0 nostalgia, fed by others who were brave enough to do the same. (I'm trying very hard to make this a cool trend, if you couldn't tell!)

This repository was originally aimed towards those of us who grew up in the Geocities and FrontPage and Macromedia Flash era, but coders of all ages are welcome to dust off that floppy disk or 256MB USB thumb drive (or the Wayback Machine, if you can remember your first screen name 😬) and commit your first projects unmodified to GitHub for posterity — and proudly link to them here!

If you see your name here and didn't add it, it's because I've done a few quick searches of GitHub for phrases like "my first website" and "first project 1999." Feel free to remove yourself via a pull request if you don't wish to be listed and I'll accept it immediately. (But I beg you not to do this purely out of embarrassment — the purpose of this is to be proud of how far you've come since then!)

* = non-English project

First HTML

First PHP

First C++

First Java

First JavaScript

First Python

First QBasic


First Visual Basic

First Flash

First C

First Pascal

First ASP

First Everything Else



To the extent possible under law, Jake Jarvis has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.