django-jasmine copied to clipboard
Package to integrate Jasmine with Django
============== django-jasmine
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Pull requests and issues are welcome!
django-jasmine integrates the
Jasmine Javascript testing framework <>
with Django <>
_. Jasmine is a behavior-driven
development framework for testing your JavaScript code. It does not depend on
any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a
clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.
django-jasmine also integrates the
jasmine-jquery <>
_ plugin, that
provides a set of custom matchers for jQuery framework and an API for handling
HTML fixtures in your specs.
- pip install django-jasmine
- Add 'django_jasmine' to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS.
- Add settings.JASMINE_TEST_DIRECTORY, containing the path to your javascript jasmine test files. Files.json should be in this directory and all test files should be in os.path.join(settings.JASMINE_TEST_DIRECTORY, 'spec') *
- Makes sure you have properly defined a STATIC_URL.
- Add all Javascript files (including jQuery, and any other libraries) to files.json
- Add a urlconf to include('django_jasmine.urls').
- Visit the URL you've included in your urlconf to display Jasmine test results.
- Add a corresponding tag from the Jasmine github repo to specify a version of Jasmine to test with. Otherwise the latest tag, currently v2.4.1, is loaded.
Jasmine is now loaded over A very obvious error message will appear if Jasmine isn't loaded correctly.
See the example_project directory for more information.
If you wish to modify the jasmine index template for any reason (e.g. add a new jasmine reporter), you can create a jasmine/index.html template as follow::
{% extends "jasmine/base.html" %}
{% block jasmine_preload %}
{# If you need to do any setup before dependencies in files.json are loaded (like define app namespace) #}
{% endblock %}
{% block jasmine_extra %}
{# If you want to extend the default jasmineEnv config #}
{% endblock %}
{% block jasmine %}
{# If you wish to rewrite the whole html runner script #}
{% endblock %}
Read templates/jasmine/base.html for the default config
jasmine-jquery allowing to add fixtures, you can set them in os.path.join(settings.JASMINE_TEST_DIRECTORY, 'fixtures'). Then in your spec::
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = "/jasmine/fixtures/";
If you encounter some errors that isn't obvious to debug, you can add "django_jasmine" to your loggers.
Integration with ./ tests
To do so, I recommend using
EnvJasmine <>
, and use
Fabric <>
to run EnvJasmine after
running tests
- Keep improving django tests
- Add Growl/notifyd notifications
- Add more settings for more flexibility i.e. make a symbolic constant for cdn url.
- Thoroughly test fixtures and jasmine-jquery features.
- Improve README.
- Use a more specific pattern matcher for the version url.
- Improve error message when Jasmine fails to load over cdn.
Copyright (c) 2010 Movity, Inc Licensed new-style BSD, also containing Jasmine, which is licensed MIT. See LICENSE file for more information.
Please see the contributing file <>