Jake Hamilton
Jake Hamilton
Addendum, running `npx microbundle build -i src/index.js --alias react=preact-compat,react-dom=preact-compat --no-compress --define process.env.NODE_ENV=production` doesn't seem to throw an error. It'd seem the problem lies somewhere on the Microenvi side.
Did a little more digging and it looks like this may be an issue with how dependencies are structured. After install, running `rm -rf node_modules/microenvi/node_modules` makes the build work 🤔
Error parsing stylesheets where media query contains classname that contains the string 'container-'
> Yeah you are right, a string match matches here that technically shouldn’t. I’ll have a think on how to solve this. I took a look and I think this...
It looks like the `filesize` check is failing, but I'm not sure why or how to fix that. Might need some help there 😅
Hey @cristianbote, thanks for the reply! I'm sure you'll have a better understanding of how to go about solving this problem that I will, but I figured I'd give my...
Oh, I may be wrong about having the styles in memory after reading more of the source: https://github.com/cristianbote/goober/blob/master/src/core/hash.js#L42
Hey @cristianbote! Hope you're doing well and were able to have a good holiday season. I'd put this on the back-burner as my attention was needed on other projects, but...
I'm currently working through the Rust Book (slowly) so I don't feel comfortable contributing a PR just yet in case I get something wrong, but I believe one solution to...
Would love to see OIDC support added so I can roll pixelfed out under my existing infrastructure.
Chiming back in, I have a similar situation to @decentral1se. Currently running Keycloak and planning to migrate to [Ory](https://www.ory.sh/) so OAuth / OIDC would be needed to support this. I...