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Tx does not rollback ?
Hi ! I pasted a pretty simple example using transactions with two object stores. After creating the stores on the openIndexedDb() function, the code opens a Tx and add an object to one store (STORE_DB) and then tries to add other object to the other store (STORE_QUEUE). That lines fails due to there is a typo in the name of the key (it is declared as queueTime
and the object to add has a property called queuedTime
). The thing is that even when these statements are in a Tx, the first line is commit into the object store (STORE_DB). Why? anything wrong am I doing?
const DB_NAME = "taskdb";
const STORE_DB = "db1";
const STORE_QUEUE = "queue";
async function openIndexedDb() {
return await openDB(DB_NAME, 1, {
upgrade(db) {
function initializeDatabase(db) {
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(STORE_DB)) {
let dbStore = db.createObjectStore(STORE_DB, {
keyPath: "id",
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(STORE_QUEUE)) {
let queueStore = db.createObjectStore(STORE_QUEUE, {
keyPath: "queueTime",
let db = await openIndexedDb();
const tx = db.transaction([STORE_DB, STORE_QUEUE], "readwrite");
await tx.objectStore(STORE_DB).add({ id: 1123, bla: 1 }); //this works
await tx.objectStore(STORE_QUEUE).add({ queuedTime:, id: 11 }); //this fails, but the previous line gets committed !
await tx.done;
I had to do this to have the atomic behaviour:
let tx;
try {
tx = db.transaction([STORE_DB, STORE_QUEUE], "readwrite");
await tx.objectStore(STORE_DB).add({ id: 511, bla: 1 });
await tx.objectStore(STORE_QUEUE).add({ queuedTime:, id: 11 });
await tx.done;
} catch (e) {