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New annotation "@CurrentTimestamp" should inject the current timestamp of a transaction into a data field.
The annotation will guarantee that at the transaction start the timestamp is produced once, so all uses of the annotation within the same transaction will guarantee to inject the same timestamp value.
This is another essential business need, as sometimes transactions run rather long, but all written data shall have synchronized timestamps.
- Issue Imported From:
- Original Issue Raised By:@glassfishrobot
- Original Issue Assigned To: @ldemichiel
@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by mkarg
@glassfishrobot Commented rbygrave said: Personally I'd argue for 2 annotations like @WhenCreated and @WhenUpdate. I've already mentioned this in #48 wrt SQL2011 History support and auditing etc. Just adding this comment here in case ... something happens !!
@glassfishrobot Commented neilstockton said: +1 for @CreateTimestamp and @UpdateTimestamp, and with both taking the timestamp at FLUSH. The reason to use flush timestamp is that with updates you may have multiple updates of an object in a transaction, so need to distinguish which update.
@glassfishrobot Commented Parent-Task: JPA_SPEC-36
@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from JIRA JPA_SPEC-49
@andyjefferson Commented
FWIW, DataNucleus implements this as 2 new annotations @CreateTimestamp
and @UpdateTimestamp
These annotations should be applicable for fields of type java.sql.Timestamp, or java.time.Instant.