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JAX-WS API (Eclipse Project for JAX-WS)
The JAX-WS 2.1.1 specification architects and specifies fully dynamic JAX-WS based Web Services clients. To use such Dispatch based clients together with WS-Addressing, the spec needs to add two more...
Figure 3.4 on page 46 has several errors: * @XmlRootElement has no attribute targetNamespace, but namespace * Sting should be corrected to String * UnknownTicker::getTicker() should return UnknownTickerBean * AccessType.FIELD...
The following @javax.jws.WebService public class ComplexDataTypesImpl { public int[] retArrayInt1D(int[] intArray) { return intArray; } } results in the XSD mapping Since the array item type is a primitive, nillable...
Sun's JAX-WS implementation has supported schema validation (by SchemaValidation annotation) for some time already. Support for enabling it in a provider independent way would be very useful (for example by...
Allow setting transport timeout parameters in a provider independent way in a client. Currently you need to use provider specific parameters, like com.sun.xml.ws.connect.timeout. Additionally, the timeouts should be possible to...
Add support for WSDL 1.1 binding extension for SOAP 1.2 in the spec. That will allow wsimport to run without specifying -extension flag. Also, the applications need not bundle wsdl...
Add support for MTOM policy specified in [http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-mtom-policy/](http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-mtom-policy/) This would allow clients to not explicitly specify @MTOM/MTOMFeature and rely on the policy in the WSDL. It seems that there are...
When a JAX-WS compliant tool generates the client-side proxy codes from a WSDL, some of the WSDL to JAVA mapping metadata are preserved in the annotations. We have found however...
JAX-WS spec specifies: " Wrapper Style A WSDL operation qualifies for wrapper style mapping only if the following criteria are met: (v) The wrapper elements only contain child elements, they...
It would helpful if javax.xml.ws.spi.http.HttpExchange class implements Closeable #### Environment Operating System: All Platform: All #### Affected Versions [2.2] Source: [https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws/issues/860](https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws/issues/860) Author: glassfishrobot