**Bug**: > Invoking `resignFirstResponder` on HKWTextView while on the state of `HKWMentionsStartDetectionStateCreatingMention` doesn't resign the HKWTextView completely. This also makes the functionality to resume mention creation to halt. **Steps to...
I added a data on `-setupFakeData` method with a long ass string. `[MentionEntity entityWithName:@"ytingasdasdasdlakdlaksdjlkasjdlkajsldkjalksdjlaksjdlkajsldkjalksdjalsdjlaksdjlakjsdljalskjalskdjalskdjlaksjdlkajsdlkajdlkajsdlkajsdlkajsdlkajsdlkajsdlkasjdlkasjd" entityId:@"27"]]; ` Creation of mentions with long name were still working fine, but when you're highlighting...
If I inserted a mention `fck_trmp` and inserted again the same mention immediately after the first mention `fck_trmpfck_trmp`, it will be classified as a single mention