Akash Jaiswal

Results 21 issues of Akash Jaiswal

Since GSoC 2022 is ended, can we start adding the proposals? It would be helpful to 2023 contributors.

This extension still uses manifest version 2, which would be discontinued soon [See this](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/) It would be better if it is migrated to MV3. Related: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv3-migration/ I would also like...

![Screenshot from 2022-01-07 01-51-29](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33419526/148446381-ab9f8495-be7d-42da-bd1b-918d42afe424.png) For https://appwrite.io/docs/installation page, last part. I suggest adding an example screenshot for running the server for the first time. Like personally I faced this issue, I...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, the app only accepts email sign in/signup. Having oauth would be better for the user, then user can sign...


## Purpose ✨ This PR refractor the codebase by - [x] .env file - [x] Separating the styles into module CSS file. - [x] Upgrading/fixing old libraries - [x] Add...

## Purpose ✨ For better quality and consistency, this PR add pre-commit hooks for using ```eslint``` and ```prettier```. Fixes #102 ## Details 📝 - Added eslint rules and prettier rules...

In the readme file, the installation instruction is causing errors in Ubuntu 20.10. `python -m venv env` `env\Scripts\activate.bat` But it should be for correct installation `python3 -m venv env `...

## Environment Details * Helidon Version: * Helidon SE or Helidon MP: Both * JDK version: 22.0.2 2024-07-16 * OS: Mac OS: 14.6.1 * Docker version (if applicable): 27.1.1-rd ----------...

## Related Issue - This PR added a feature that displays a new version available message (if any) whenever their keploy is run. Closes: #2047 Closes: #2071 #### Describe the...