ot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ot copied to clipboard

Implementation of full Operational Transform editor in Clojure. Library version: https://github.com/jahfer/othello

ot Build Status

ot is a basic implementation of Operational Transforms, used to resolve concurrent edits of a document from multiple sources.

Is this what I want?

Probably not. This is a first-pass at the idea. The library extracted from this is probably what you're interested in: jahfer/othello. There's also an implementation using that library available at jahfer/othello-editor.


Start server:

$ lein server

Start server using reloaded pattern:

$ lein repl
ot.repl> (go) # change code...
ot.repl> (reset)

Compile and watch cljs + cljx:

$ lein client # runs tests on compile!
$ lein cljx auto

Run tests:

$ lein cleantest

Run specific group of tests:

$ lein do cljx, clj-test # or...
$ lein do cljx, cljs-test



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