Jan Goldacker
Jan Goldacker
This software is a masterpiece. I'm using it for years without trouble. How can some compare low level flash access to a filesystem with wear leveling and caching? I don't...
Really hard to guess what the problem is without having a bit more of your code. But from the error message it looks like you don't have the right function...
Casting the funtion pointers is not a good idea. It only hides the problem. Why shouldn't the compile be able to handle macros? I still think your function prototypes are...
It is, as I suspected. Your functions do not have the right signatures. Just change them to exactly match the typedefs in spiffs.h: ``` typedef s32_t (*spiffs_read)(u32_t addr, u32_t size,...
It's not my library. Just answering your question. Yes, I know that my_spi_read (etc) are stubs. I did not talk about them. The error is in my_spiffs_read (etc) having incorrect...
Yes, it does work on real HW. Do you have an idea where to document it? Then I could prepare this.
It uses the 6102 bootcode. (The header file in the repo's root.) But this has nothing to do with the entry code that my question was related to. The games...
The 6102 bootcode from the linked repo is identical. You can not use the md5 compare because this 6102 file is byteswapped (v64) and the header here is not swapped...
I even noticed that the 6101 and 6102 codes are identical. This must be a mistake. Will check this later. Hm, here is a disassembly of the 6102 bootcode: https://github.com/PeterLemon/N64/blob/master/BOOTCODE/BOOTCODE.asm...
Ah, ok. Was confused because you wrote "CP0". The CP0 is in the CPU and the RSP is in the RCP. So I was looking for mtc0 and overlooked this...