Same issue here. svgexport ltc.svg output.png internal/validators.js:125 throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'string', value); ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "file" argument must be of type string. Received type object at validateString (internal/validators.js:125:11) at...
Use this code for your main character: ``` function PartyInvite(friends) { var count = 0; for ( var friend of friends ) { var ftarget = get_player(friend); if ( !ftarget...
Check out this script, only runs every 1.3 seconds but attacks faster than everything else I tried. Works good for all classes. This attacks anything in range so you take...
Also @TrentWDB, the server is set up fine. He did a really good job. The restriction is only how often you can attack, and too many "calls per second" just...
Yes ping is also a factor you might need to switch to the Americas I server like I did
The limit is probably a good idea because if they are hitting it then they are doing something wrong (and flooding the server) It just needs to explain to them...
My targeting/attack loop only runs every 1300ms and it's way faster that way. Ping is also a factor you might need to switch to the Americas I server like I...
Check out this script, only runs every 1.3 seconds but attacks faster than everything else I tried. Works good for all classes. This attacks anything in range so you take...
``` (node:5376) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Size required and should be a number. at new FixedSizeLinkedList (dist/index.js:168:19) at dist/index.js:1492:37 at Generator.next () at new Stochastic (dist/index.js:1519:24) at Function.stochastic [as calculate] (dist/index.js:1541:20) at...
I haven't tested this, but in theory you could edit profanity.cl and replace `profanity_result_update`: ```cpp void profanity_result_update(const size_t id, __global const uchar * const hash, __global result * const pResult,...