gatsby-plugin-amp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Gatsby plugin for creating AMP pages

Results 20 gatsby-plugin-amp issues
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Bumps [jsdom]( from 13.0.0 to 16.5.0. Release notes Sourced from jsdom's releases. Version 16.5.0 Added window.queueMicrotask(). Added window.event. Added inputEvent.inputType. (diegohaz) Removed ondragexit from Window and friends, per a spec...


`gatsby-image-plugin` injects tag as part of their support for lazy-loading images, making the amp page invalid. This patch removes the `gatsby-image-style-noscript` entirely from amp head content

Found `excludedPaths` is not working, the `minimatch` class is used in the wrong way fix #33

Sorry, i am new to amp. When pathIdentifier is eg. `/amp/`, the /amp route doesnt have amp powered html, if i change it to `/`, all pages will have amp...

Hi. Is there a way to exclude everything. I tried all of these patterns `excludedPaths: ['*', '**', '**/**', '*/**'],` but it doesn't work. IMO the include exclude pattern makes this...


### Problem Gatsby add `` scripts to each page. The browser will download these, but never execute them. Chrome warns about this issue with the console message: > The resource...

Hi, after a successfully build, new AMP pages have been generated and accessible using " ". but the AMP tag is missing in the `` the view-source of contains:...

i receive this Amp error: `Custom javascript is not allowed` it point to this line: `` maybe because add the `=""` after async? page to check:

I am trying to style my amp-template however it is so difficult to do so due to the fact that I cant do it while in `gatsby develop`. I have...