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Support TLS for spark dependencies

Open pavolloffay opened this issue 5 years ago • 17 comments

Spark dependencies job uses Java keystore for certificates. The docker image allows to configure java opts with ssl configuration - JAVA_OPTS=-Djavax.net.ssl..

The certs can be mounted via volume and volume mounts which are part of JaegerCommonSpec. The issue that these certs have to be imported into java keystore/thruststore.

https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/11/22/dynamically-creating-java-keystores-openshift/ suggests using init container for the job.


  • [ ] allow configuring JAVA_OPTS to point to keystore/thruststore
  • [ ] import certs into keystore/thruststore

pavolloffay avatar Mar 11 '19 16:03 pavolloffay

Dependent issue in spark-dependencies https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/issues/294

pavolloffay avatar Dec 12 '19 13:12 pavolloffay

@jpkrohling this is not ES specific. The dependency job supports multiple backends.

pavolloffay avatar Mar 09 '20 13:03 pavolloffay

Hi @pavolloffay are there any updates on this?

jorgex1 avatar Apr 17 '20 22:04 jorgex1

There aren't ane news. If anybody has free cycles feel free to take it.

pavolloffay avatar Apr 20 '20 07:04 pavolloffay

Spent a bit doing some digging through things and came across this page https://hub.helm.sh/charts/jaegertracing/jaeger

The page mentions that in order to have a version of the spark job working one would need to get the certificates from the elasticsearch cluster and do

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore trust.store -storepass <some pass> -alias es-root -file <es.pem>

$ kubectl create configmap jaeger-tls --from-file=trust.store --from-file=<es.pem>

And then use the jaeger-tls configmap within the spark job definition as such:

          - name: jaeger-spark
              - --java.opts=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<some pass>
              - name: jaeger-tls
                mountPath: /tls
                readOnly: true
            - name: jaeger-tls
                name: jaeger-tls

Which all sounds like it is in accordance with the issue description. Think it may be a bit better to define jaeger-tls as a secret though, but other than that, is all that more or less correct?

jorgex1 avatar Apr 20 '20 15:04 jorgex1

Correct the certs have to be imported into java keystore in the spark image.

pavolloffay avatar Apr 21 '20 08:04 pavolloffay

My idea was to implement a script in the spark image that would do that if the certs are specified as env vars.

pavolloffay avatar Apr 21 '20 09:04 pavolloffay

Hey guys, is there any work around for this atm? I'm trying to follow the thread of TLS related changes and options. Is there any skip-tls JAVA_OPT or something that can be used temporarily?

To maybe help others: add the java options described above to the jaeger CR manually create a JKS trust store from the elasticsearch-es-http-certs-public secret downscale the operator replicaset to 0 edit the cronjob container template to mount a volume from the secret

jam01 avatar Jan 13 '21 17:01 jam01

This would probably a question to ask in the repository that holds the code for the spark dependencies processor. https://github.com/jaegertracing/spark-dependencies

jpkrohling avatar Jan 14 '21 09:01 jpkrohling

Hi, maybe this is stupid question, but i couldn't run a spark job with following configuration:

  enabled: true
    java.opts: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit"
    - name: jaeger-tls
      mountPath: /tls
      subPath: ""
      configMap: jaeger-tls
      readOnly: true

Here is error:

/entrypoint.sh: 37: exec: --java.opts=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit: not found

Can someone show me, what i'm doing wrong? or maybe there are any workaround, how to get spark job works. Thnx

aleksandrovpa avatar Mar 22 '21 15:03 aleksandrovpa

@aleksandrovpa I don't have much time to look at this at the moment, but you may find what you need in these two items:

https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/issues/1332 https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/pull/1359

kevinearls avatar Mar 23 '21 14:03 kevinearls

@aleksandrovpa we're just composing the cron job manually in order to bootstrap the trust store through an init container. You can check this out https://github.com/MS3Inc/tavros/blob/main/tests/integration/targets/playbooks/provision_playbook/example.com/platform/jaeger/default/cronjob-spark-dependencies.yaml#L39

jam01 avatar Mar 26 '21 02:03 jam01

Thanks @jorgex1 for your comment, it was very helpful :+1: :1st_place_medal:

AnatomicJC avatar Jun 21 '21 14:06 AnatomicJC

is it currently the only solution to write our own job ? i see that the dependencies definition now allow to mount volumes but i am not sure how to create the java trustStore without an init container like the one in @jam01 link

primeroz avatar Aug 10 '21 14:08 primeroz

I achieved the desired result (given you have pem certificate as a secret) by adding an alpine java init container to the spark dependencies pod, which will create me a truststore, which I can then mount to the spark container and provide the java opts means to it:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: jaeger-spark
  schedule: "30 */12 * * *"
            - name: create-jks-truststore
              image: openjdk:11
                - name: truststore-dir
                  mountPath: "/target"
                - name: es-cert
                  mountPath: "/src"
                  readOnly: true
                - "/bin/sh"
                - "-c"
                - "rm -rf /target/* && keytool -import -file /src/cert.pem -storetype JKS -keystore /target/truststore.jks -storepass password -noprompt"
            - name: jaeger-spark
              image: jaegertracing/spark-dependencies:latest
                - name: STORAGE
                  value: "elasticsearch"
                - name: ES_NODES
                  value: "https://elasticsearch.default:9200"
                - name: ES_NODES_WAN_ONLY
                  value: "false"
                - name: ES_USERNAME
                  value: user
                - name: ES_PASSWORD
                  value: password
                - name: JAVA_OPTS
                  value: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/elasticsearch/truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=password"
                - name: truststore-dir
                  mountPath: "/elasticsearch"
                - name: temp-dir
                  mountPath: "/tmp"
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
            - name: truststore-dir
              emptyDir: {}
            - name: temp-dir
              emptyDir: {}
            - name: es-cert
                secretName: my_secret_with_elasticsearch_certificate_pem
                  - key: elasticsearch_certificate
                    path: "cert.pem"

Hope this helps someone.

zablvit avatar Oct 20 '21 20:10 zablvit

Hi, maybe this is stupid question, but i couldn't run a spark job with following configuration:

  enabled: true
    java.opts: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit"
    - name: jaeger-tls
      mountPath: /tls
      subPath: ""
      configMap: jaeger-tls
      readOnly: true

Here is error:

/entrypoint.sh: 37: exec: --java.opts=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit: not found

Can someone show me, what i'm doing wrong? or maybe there are any workaround, how to get spark job works. Thnx

It is much simple: entrypoint.sh from docker image is a shell script. So it used JAVA_OPTS env to pass options to java process. You need to pass env variable JAVA_OPTS by extraEnv param from values.yaml like this:

    - name: "JAVA_OPTS"
      value: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit"

dankolt avatar Jul 31 '22 00:07 dankolt

The spark-dependencies container has a __cacert_entrypoint.sh script in the / root path which does the required work of taking any certificates found in the /certificates path merges them with the system ca chain and then creates a JKS compatible one in the JRE cacerts location. The current entrypoint script for the spark-dependencies container just needs wrapping or embedding that script in it and the problem will be solved moving forwards. Then the ability to specify the dependencies in the storage section of the CRD will be able to be fixed/corrected, and if you include the top level volume mounts defined for loading the TLS certificate for ElasticSearch/OpenSearch then that will clean up the fix and make it consistent.

The image tag I'm referring to is:

$ docker images --digests ghcr.io/jaegertracing/spark-dependencies/spark-dependencies
REPOSITORY                                                    TAG       DIGEST                                                                    IMAGE ID       CREATED      SIZE
ghcr.io/jaegertracing/spark-dependencies/spark-dependencies   latest    sha256:a307e1baf5815682f7581f2d0f8734510e511c0ae4c326c8501bee2647f6c3dd   4a8f3ad09d74   5 days ago   442MB

gwvandesteeg avatar Mar 12 '24 03:03 gwvandesteeg