SnapTimer copied to clipboard
Alarm interval & Stop alarm on double-click
Hi, OK, so this is two things in one:
Firstly, an inconsistency in a way; when it's set to loop the audio alarm, it stops fine when the stop button is clicked, but not when the time display is double-clicked to reset (and also stop) the timer. I think it would be fair if the audio loop would stop on a double-click as well, exactly as it does when the stop button is clicked.
Secondly, I'd like to request a small feature; an option to customize the interval of the looped audio alarm by the means of a definable number of seconds that is added between each loop. (Reasoning:) You know, endless looping... is fine? especially so I don't miss the alarm when I'm not in the vicinity? But even when I am, I often don't have the time to pay attention to the alarm right away, so, until I do have the time, it would be a lot nicer if it wouldn't ring my head off. (Stopping the alarm and then getting back to it later isn't really a reliable alternative for me, considering how easily distractable I am.)
I'd appreciate if you could take these into consideration sometime.
Also, while you're at it, please remove whatever copies the current timer to the clipboard on double-clicking (resetting) the timer. Or at least make it optional, so that it's possible to reset the timer by double-clicking it without copying it every time. (I don't like my current clipboard contents to be overwritten by some random timer, and it also clutters up my clipboard manager (Ditto).)